Let us show you where to find a superb deal on a private 1984 Suzuki Dr 650se.
We can use our proprietary data system to find out how many Suzuki Dr 650ses are on the market in Nsw.
You'll see why so many people use us to search for a used motorbike.
We do extensive research to provide a complete listing of selling in Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Brisbane and Melbourne.
A review of our comprehensive listings for your are reveals that you can find a private Suzuki Dr 650se at a price well under the stated Red Book value.
Don't overpay for your used motorcycle purchase.
I used this 2004 SUZUKI V-STROM DL650 to tour around the country. Always kept in excellent condition and ridden her conservatively. I never had the smallest problem with her! Located in Edge Hill QLD